My Reflection ;

  •    National council of educatonal research   and training is helpful for both teacher and student for effective teaching learning and evaluation.
  •    NCERT gives innovation ideas.
  • It facilitate for effective learning.
  • It enable tearchers to access source of knowlage and to create knowlage.

     The NCERT works as an academic wings for resource development and  social welfare.
     NCERT assist the ministry in the formulation and implimentation of its policies and programmes in the field of school education.
     In the modern era NCERT plays on iportant role in the field of education and always interprited  the innovative tools and techniques for the betterment of education by the help of ICT.
     Similarly NCERT hel[s to  develop the educational curriculum and try to enrich the allround development of the learners.
                             NCERT has a comprehensive extension program in which departments of the National Institute of Education, the Regional Institute of Education, the Central Institute of Vocational Education and the State Field Advisory Bureaux are involved in activities. In rural and backward areas, several programs are organized to reach functionaries in these areas. The council acts as the Secretariat of the Educational Innovations National Development Group. The council offered training facilities to educational workers from other countries, usually through attachment programs and participation in workshops. The council publishes textbooks from Classes I to XII for school subjects. NCERT: NCERT